Immunity Passports & In-Flight Janitors: Flying Post-COVID

As my friend Johnny Jet pointed out earlier this week, May is the month that all major airlines will require you to wear a face mask in-flight. LA's mayor also announced this week that, beginning May 11, you'll need to cover your nose and mouth when making your way through LAX, too.

So, clues into the post-COVID flight reality are starting to come into focus.

The aviation marketing consulting firm, SimpliFlying, is making some pretty bold projections about how flying will look and feel like once post-pandemic travel resumes. Sanitation and distance will rule the day. Some of the most intriguing projections:

  • When you check-in 24 hours before your flight, you'll have the option of buying masks and gloves along with your preferred seat
  • Forget getting to the airport just in time to board -- the recommendation will be arriving four hours before your domestic flight
  • The curbside airport experience will include thermal scanners
  • Your checked bags will be "sani-tagged" -- sprayed with a disinfectant fog
  • A temp or a cough will likely mean denied boarding
  • Seating on board will be sparse
  • Flights will feature in-flight janitors to wipe down high-contact areas regularly
  • Flight attendants will pass out sanitizing wipes along with those pretzels
  • Thermal scanning will be part of your disembarking experience
Check out this SimpliFlying graphic for more:

I, for one, can't wait to start flying again to see how many of these projections become reality! Masks, though, will be required garb for sure. For more, follow me on Twitter and be sure to check out my website --!



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